Koshland’s model as a method for the analysis of enzymatic deracemization reactions Verovka ОS, Kolodiazhna АО. Koshland’s model as a method for the analysis of enzymatic deracemization reactions. 2021 ;(1):84-92.
Synthesis of heterovalently substituted slab perovskites Sr 2–xLnxBIV1–xBxIIIO4(BIV = Sn, Ti, BIII = Sc, In) Titov YA, Slobodyanik MS, Chumak VV, Tymoshenko MV. Synthesis of heterovalently substituted slab perovskites Sr 2–xLnxBIV1–xBxIIIO4(BIV = Sn, Ti, BIII = Sc, In). 2021 ;(1):77-83.
Catalytic phosphonylation of C=X electrophiles Kolodiazhna OO, Gryshkun EV, Kolodiazhna AO, Sheiko SYu., Kolodiazhnyi OI. Catalytic phosphonylation of C=X electrophiles. 2020 ;(12):75-84.
Peculiarities of sol-gel synthesis of co-modified by nitrogen and metal ions (Zn2+, Zr4+, Pt2+) semiconductive TiO2 films Linnik ОP, Smirnova NP, Eremenko AМ. Peculiarities of sol-gel synthesis of co-modified by nitrogen and metal ions (Zn2+, Zr4+, Pt2+) semiconductive TiO2 films. 2020 ;(12):67-74.
Polymeric proton exchange media with ionic bonds in the main chain of the polymer Gumenna MA, Klimenko NS, Stryutsky AV, Kovalenko LL, Kravchenko VV, Shevchuk AV, Shevchenko VV. Polymeric proton exchange media with ionic bonds in the main chain of the polymer. 2020 ;(12):60-66.
Two-stage threecomponent synthesis of 6,11-diaza-1,5(2,5)-dioxazole- 3(1,2)-benzenecycloundecapha ne-14,54- dicarbonitrile Merzhyievskyi DO, Shablykin OV, Shablykina OV, Shevchenko NM, Brovarets VS. Two-stage threecomponent synthesis of 6,11-diaza-1,5(2,5)-dioxazole- 3(1,2)-benzenecycloundecapha ne-14,54- dicarbonitrile. 2020 ;(11):71-77.
Interphase phenomena in a composite system based on methylsilica and crushed mushrooms Amanita muscaria Krupska TV, Yelahina NV, Protsak IS, Turov VV. Interphase phenomena in a composite system based on methylsilica and crushed mushrooms Amanita muscaria. 2020 ;(11):61-70.
Influence of pairs of alkali metal cations on the formation of complex phosphates at the crystallization of multicomponent self-fluxes Strutynska NYu., Slobodyanik MS. Influence of pairs of alkali metal cations on the formation of complex phosphates at the crystallization of multicomponent self-fluxes. 2020 ;(10):54-61.
Influence of the structure of natural cinnamic acids on their interaction with highly dispersed aluminum oxide in aqueous medium Lipkovska NO, Barvinchenko VM. Influence of the structure of natural cinnamic acids on their interaction with highly dispersed aluminum oxide in aqueous medium. 2020 ;(9):68-76.
Purification of natural water from organic pollution by a modified microfiltration tubular ceramic mem brane from clay minerals Dulneva TYu., Deremeshko LA, Baranov AI, Kucheruk DD, Goncharuk VV. Purification of natural water from organic pollution by a modified microfiltration tubular ceramic mem brane from clay minerals. 2020 ;(9):61-67.